Air Force Special Tactics
Is STO Right For Me?
Motto: "First There..."
Career Description:
“First There…That Others May Live” USAF Special Tactics Officers AFSC, 13DXB, command special operations forces behind enemy lines to conduct the nation's most demanding missions. Decisive and determined, they lead Special Tactics teams in combat, seizing and controlling airstrips, guiding deadly airstrikes, and rescuing US personnel in harm's way. STOs are the officer variant of Combat Controllers, but command Special Tactics Squadrons composed of CCT, PJ, SOWT, and SERE elements. STOs deploy with their respected STS, where they will either be attached to an Army SF or Ranger unit, Navy SEAL team, or other internation Special Operations Forces.
Mission Statement: “It is the mission of a combat controller to deploy by any means feasible into hostile and non-permissive environments. Combat controllers establish assault zones, while simultaneously conducting air traffic control, command and control and support operations in the joint area. Additionally, combat controllers expertly employ all-terrain and amphibious vehicles. First There…Hooyah”
Mission Description: Combat Control Teams (CCTs), AFSC 1C2X1, are ground combat forces specialized in a traditional pathfinder role while having a heavy emphasis on simultaneous air traffic control, fire support and command, control, and communications in covert or austere environments. Assigned to Special Tactics Squadrons, Combat Controllers are an integral part of Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC), the Air Force component of United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). Combat Controllers are often assigned individually or as a team to Army Special Forces, Army Ranger, and Navy SEAL teams to provide expert air support coordination and communications capabilities.
It's Right for Me! Now, What Does it Take?
History: Where Did ST Come From?